For this project I had planned to interview a lot more people including other presenters, younger volunteers and the station manager.
Due to multiple circumstances, one of witch was Covid related, my other interviews bar Kevin and Maranella fell through meaning for my documentary I have no choice but to only include footage from those two alone.
Sadly things like this can happen and it has set me back massively as I was relying on other peoples explanations and comments about social media. In particular I now do not have interviewee content for the negative impacts social media can have on the station itself witch is an important part of my documentary.
Due to this I have had to adapt the way my documentary is laid out. My original plan was to use the interviewee footage to explain/ prove everything and only have me presenting a small amount. However now I have rethought-out my script and changed things so that I will explain the process/ effects and use mostly footage I film as the evidence as well as stats and statistics I have researched to back up my investigation.
The two interviewees that I did manage to get will still be featured, and I will use their accounts more than I was originally planning to. Luckily they gave me lots of good content and quotes on multiple subjects within my documentary so I can use them multiple times.